How to create good customer experience in your rental business?

By Laura Holsteinborg

Last updated February 05, 2025

An essential part of your customer relationship management strategy (CRM) and a successful business strategy is your customer experience. Based on a recent study, 74% of executives think that customer experience increases customer loyalty and it helps to build stronger connections between the firm and its consumers.

To provide this experience, you have to know your consumers and be aware of their expectations. When you know that you also have a better understanding of how to provide a service that exceeds their expectations. Companies are becoming more aware of the importance of this concept and they try to engage their customers with different loyalty programs and values to create a memorable customer journey. Customer expectations of business interactions have increased by 60%, it’s therefore important to make a big effort to differentiate yourself from the competition whilst also achieving business growth.

Breathing room in our hectic world


Our fast-moving world requires us to process a huge amount of information every day, be up-to-date in many areas at work and private life as well. Despite the fact that working hours have decreased, it’s becoming more impossible to switch off from work. A business that provides that breathing room for people is bound to be attractive. At GoBoat, the primary concept is to provide people with an experience that allows them to have valuable time for friends, families and couples in a relaxing marine environment. We want to give our customers a chance to forget about the commotion of everyday life and help them be present by sailing on the electric boats with their loved ones.

Sustainability in business

Silence, fresh air and time spent with others are some of the things GoBoat can provide. We care about the environment, the marine life and the expectations of our customers which is why we decided to use specific boat types that are powered by solar and water energy. After a lot of experimentation with different types of engine, we decided to find one that would actually make the customer experience better, whilst also being sustainable. It doesn’t change the local environment, it’s easy to use and silent so that our guests can simply enjoy, rather than have to shout over an engine.

The engines with green energy resources are just a small part of our sustainable concept. The electric boats are made of recycled materials, our shop sells organic snacks and drinks, and our pavilion, tables and dock are made of sustainable wood. We also offer kids a net at the beginning of their boat tour that they can use to collect rubbish from the water and in return, they get a trip for free. They’re having fun and also learning about the marine ecosystem and marine life and taking responsibility.

It takes time and resources to find the most suitable products and suppliers, but one of the advantages of a franchise is that the parent company and the franchisees constantly cooperate with each other, share business tips and work together to achieve business growth. By doing so, we continuously strengthen each other and eliminate the threat of new and existing competitors.

Happy work culture


Employees are the first port of call for your customers and making a good impression is important for giving the best all-round experience. Customers expect a lot so a high level of customer service, ensuring every sail-out is as smooth as possible and creating an atmosphere that your customers can draw from are all very important - especially if you want them to come back.

Although positive work culture is reflected in the employees, it is in 80% of cases something that’s created by the founders. A strong vision is essential for a powerful, founder-inspired culture. With a well-defined mission direction is clear, expectations are told and each of the employees knows the required behaviour and business goals that they have to achieve.

Employee characteristics that enhance the customer experience


Your employees are some of your greatest assets. Finding the right employees can be one of the most important decisions you make. There are certain attributes that we’ve found make your employee the one for your rental business. Specifically, in the service industry and in the case of private boat rentals, we experienced that being responsible, extrovert, extremely engaged, having a sense of humour and high emotional intelligence and a strong feeling of ownership are key employee attributes that help to achieve business objectives and to create experience.

    • Firstly, having a sense of humor improves the relationship among employees. It gives more confidence to a person, increases efficiency in communication, improves creativity and it helps to relieve stress. More importantly, it has an amazing impact on customer experience, it creates memories during the customer journey and it increases customer loyalty.
    • On the other hand, especially in the case of maritime jobs the desired employee has to be responsible enough to give the necessary instructions and make sure customers feel safe on the water.
    • There is a direct correlation between employee satisfaction and the quality of the customer experience. In fact, companies that lead in providing customer experience achieve 60% higher engaged employees.
    • Being able to communicate with customers effectively is a basic criteria, especially in the service industry, but basically in every business field where there is some kind of interaction with consumers.
    • Lastly, but probably most importantly, emotional intelligence enables employees to “read” the customer. In order to find the dream coworker, it is required to conduct careful screening for EI during the recruitment process. GoBoat® has a great experience doing so using the online training platform ” GoBoat Academy®”.

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