The ultimate guide to starting a boat rental

By mikkeltedaldi

Last updated February 24, 2025

Why the boat rental business is highly profitable, yet still underrated?

Boat hiring and boat rental services are tapping into the booming market of the experience economy. The consumers of the future prioritise experience rather than material items and want picturesque worthy experiences. This makes the maritime business highly attractive, and with the right knowledge, concept and boat design, boat rental can be a highly profitable business idea to start. This guide is based on the experiences that the GoBoat® License concept has had from opening and operating in countries like Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia, Croatia and many other countries to come. Having served more than 500,000 guests around the world and millions to come it is fair to say that we have become experts in opening and operating boat rental services. We hope that our guide will be beneficial to you when starting a new boat rental, purchasing an existing boat rental or considering to buy into a franchise business.

Where should you invest money to get good returns? Careful planning and execution ensure that your new boat rental business is well worth your time and investment. At GoBoat, license partners usually earn back the initial invested capital within the first four years of operating. However, this is only possible with a proven concept, a strong support system and a strong franchise model.

How to be successful in business? This guide provides you with the most essential factors that new boat rental operators need to know when wanting to succeed. While no boat rentals are alike, a vital part of a successful business is getting hands-on experiences that apply to your specific concept. GoBoat has experience in establishing and running profitable boat rentals over multiple years and various markets. We love to support and cooperate with passionate entrepreneurs, who want to make the water more accessible to people in sustainable ways. We would of course also love to partner with you under our licensing concept. Get in contact with us today.

Step 1: Finding the right market


Like any other business, it is important to find a market to serve. Please take into consideration that markets alter depending on the specific boat product. From our experience these are the components of a good boat rental market:

High population density or large volumes of tourists
It makes sense that cities with more people will have a larger volume of customers. But it will often also come at the expense of more competition. Remember that some cities have small populations, but a high volume of tourists. When identifying the best market for your business, keep in mind that the necessary marketing expenses vastly will depend on whether you are targeting tourists or locals. If you decide to focus on tourists, remember that the acquisition cost of new customers is often higher than local customers and that lifetime value is much lower.

The sailing route
It is important that the sailing route is interesting and appealing to the guests. Dull water routes with cool boats will still result in an insignificant total experience for the customers. The good thing is that the market for outdoor micro-adventures, in both urban and natural environments is booming extremely, and that they can both make the scenery for a valuable experience for your future customers. Consider whether your chosen location offers a valuable view, either through an inspiring urban environment or the through the idyllic scenery of nature. Search for the best possible locations in your chosen area. The easiest way to get started is to explore the area with a simple Google Earth exploration. We’ve written a guide to making a safe sailing routes and what to consider, if you want more information.

Currents, tides and wind conditions
Before you settle on a location, do your research on the nature of the water in the area. In some areas of the world, tides, currents and wind conditions can have a huge effect on the sailing experience. Especially currents and tides can become deal-breakers if there is a high risk of boats getting stuck. The design of the boats should match the water conditions. Even if GoBoat provides high quality, tested boats, make sure that the boats are unsinkable and easy to navigate in all situations. GoBoat® uses RAND picnic boats with a design created to be safe, sustainable and comfortable.

Buyer power and the threat of substitution in cities
Some cities may have a large population, but the spending power of the citizens may be limited and they won’t be able to support your business. Another issue can be a high purchasing power, yet high cost of living due to high housing costs, resulting in lower buyer power. The last factor to take into consideration is the number of alternative offerings guests can get in the city for the same amount of money. At GoBoat we have our own purchasing power/per capita ratio and number of competitive alternative products/per capita ratio to guide our selection.

Political factors and currency issues
In some markets an analysis can indicate that the nation or city came with political and currency risk. An example of this could be a change in the law of the minimum age of boat drivers, or that guests would need a license to operate. Further, be aware of potential currency issues. This only applies if you import boats or supplies from outside your nation. These factors can destroy a boat rental business if they are to change drastically.

Development of the real estate market
Boat rentals are for the most location-based businesses with capital expenditure invested in local facilities and inventory. Despite the electric boats being relatively easy to move, we still see boat rental as fairly similar to a real estate business. It is important to understand whether your location is amongst the fastest-growing cities or it is shrinking and how it performed during a recession. Some areas have industries or government practice that makes them more recession-proof than others. Identify whether the market displays good characteristics and whether you can enter with a competitive advantage. To have a winning business you want to make sure that your competitive advantage can be fully exploited by you and appreciated by your customers.

Step 2: Where am I located?

Cities are different when it comes to locations and you should really consider what is important to your rental business. These are some of the factors that we find important. Most interesting about mooring rights is that they are often not priced accordingly to the value of the location in the city. This is one of your competitive advantages.

The underlying value of a good location and the hidden competitive advantages
Despite the fact that more and more people mainly book online, you should not underestimate the underlying value of a good location. Why? Walk-in traffic generates sales. Furthermore, it has amazing marketing and branding effect. It generates visibility and knowledge of your brand. Depending on your pricing, boat rental business is often a more serious purchase that requires coordination - especially for bigger groups to coordinate. Hence, sparking the idea is positive. People might not book a boat at first when they walk by your maritime business, but it will instil the idea and they might book at a later stage - and then your business will be on the top of their mind.

Identifying interesting areas in development
You want to be aware of how the city is growing. Learning this requires you being in contact with local real estate professionals and city planners. In order to do so, seek to understand what makes a real estate development successful and seek to establish strategies that benefit from the agendas. Sometimes you can be lucky and get a really good location at a great discount because you bought into the location much sooner than your competition.


Supporting recreational offerings
Be aware of the fact that guests might not be able to enjoy a whole day on the water using your services. Hence, it can be beneficial to know where they would go afterwards or before they use your service. Especially food and beverage options are a good match. Also, other recreational partners like SUPs, go-karts and amusement parks, etc. can be of great value to your franchise business. Therefore, seek to build business relationships and identify ways your maritime business can cooperate with and mutually benefit other businesses.

Mooring pricing and terms
While all of the above mentioned are important, mooring pricing and terms are some of the most important business factors determining your success. You do not want to have a one-year contract that can be cancelled and thereby lose your investment. Nor do you want a contract for a whole century without having an exit option. In general, mooring costs should never be more than 10% of your cost structure.

Competition and product offering
Depending on the business competition, sometimes it can be good to be far away from them and other times close. If you have a better product offering or price, it might be your competitive advantage to be located close to your competitors. Therefore, you must consider if your product gives more value to customers than the nearby competitive business. Additionally, identifying customer needs and demands for the future is important, in order to offer an improved and more valuable product. Does the competitor develop their product with the customers’ changing demands, or can you take advantage of their lack of innovation?

Why is sustainability important?
As a new study shows, consumers prefer companies with a sustainable profile. At GoBoat, sustainability in business is a core driver for our product and for the design of the experience. The electric boats are partly made of recycled materials and are powered with solar energy.

Step 3: Obtaining permits


Every city is different and GoBoat® has seen a broad variety of surprising challenges. In some cities you need a permit for operating in others all you need is a place to put the boats. In most cities it is common that you need a commercial business license to operate your rental business. Additionally you need a permit to rent the area on the water that you will be operating from.

How do you obtain permits?
You will often first need a landlord contract that gives you the right to rent from the landlord for a specific period. You will need to show this document to local authorities in order to apply for a water permit allowing you to dock and operate your boats at their venue. This initial phase requires careful stakeholder management. When it comes to local authorities it is especially important that you come forward as a professional operator with all legal documents in check. Their biggest fear is often to have an operator that disturbs other clients on the water or to have an operator that is unprofessional in communication, compliance and payments. This phase is vital for upcoming business owners to demonstrate good communication skills and the ability to cooperate and build relationships. It is not uncommon to wait 1-3 years for permits.

Permits are never permanent
Obtaining permits is challenging and so is maintaining them. The reason being that the harbour and landlord are unpredictable and might challenge your contract and operations. Hence, it is extremely important that you follow all relevant sources of information for real estate developers and harbour officials. This helps you to understand the environment that you operate in and thereby also mitigate upcoming business risks and improve your ability to identify how to add value to the city. In your budgeting and project plans you should dedicate at least 1-5% of your total time for stakeholder management in order to ensure that you fulfil all aspects of the signed contract with your partners. One of the advantages of a franchise is that it has a proven business model that makes the process easier. Furthermore, a product that has sustainable resources and leverages the liveability or the architectural scene of the city makes a good case when obtaining permits.

At GoBoat we have become experts in attaining mooring rights, but even more importantly we have become experts in how to maintain them. It is not a surprise that it is easier for you to negotiate with a city when you have GoBoat on your side, which has experience with negotiating all over the world. As a GoBoat partner you will get support to obtain permits.  

Step 4: Customer experience

Engines with sustainable resources
In order to create a truly valuable product, you should strive to create an experience that serves as a sanctuary. This sanctuary should enable customers to be truly present and help them to forget about the commotion of everyday life. Provide an experience that evokes smile and laughter in a peaceful and beautiful atmosphere.

"At GoBoat, customer experience is our greatest value and trademark."

Customers should not be interrupted or disturbed with neither engine rattles nor the smell of fuel/gasoline. At GoBoat, customer experience is our greatest value and trademark. We care about the environment, which is why our green boats are powered with solar and water energy, reducing the engine sound to a gentle hum. The motors should reflect your entire concept. At GoBoat the motors are essential parts of our sustainable concept: our boats are made of recycled material, our shop sells organic snacks and drinks, and our pavilion, tables and our dock are made of sustainable wood.


A happy work culture is your prime hidden asset
You should always strive to offer the best all-round experience. To do this, you must realise that the staff plays the most important role in making every sail-out a success. You want to give customer service at a ridiculously high level. As First Round Capital documents, founders are responsible for 80% of the culture affecting staff.

Our success is partly due to the fact that our staff are extroverts, smiling and always good for cracking jokes with the customers and still maintaining a high level of professionalism when making sure that the customer feels safe on the water. When your staff give information, instructions and the required guidelines to the customers, they shall tailor their level of charm, energy, focus on security etc. so that it fits every single customer and paves the way for a great experience.

Your employees should think like customers and act like owners
This requires staff that are able to “read” the customer, therefore, the recruitment process should include screening for emotional intelligence (EI). Hiring for EI include careful testing and live screening in the recruitment process in order to operate successfully in the maritime business. GoBoat® has great experience doing so using a tailored live screening personality test in the recruitment process. However, recruitment alone is no guarantee that candidates will perform. Ensure you instill a strong sense of ownership in the employees. The initial goal is to have your employees think and take responsibility as if it was their own business, but at the same time being able to observe their performance from a customers’ point of view. This requires thorough training of staff and talented operating managers with the right skills to constantly develop the crew. This should be secured through a carefully developed and tested training program. GoBoat® has great experience doing so using the online training platform “GoBoat Academy®”.

Step 5: Finding and maintaining staff


Finding the balance between firm and friendly: essential employee skills
How to recruit? From our experience with running boat rentals all over the world, the staff that you need are different than they are in other businesses. The maritime crew should be customer-focused and understand the value of good customer service skills in the hospitality and leisure sector. Since we are operating on the water it is important that staff can provide basic CPR and have a reasonable level of swimming skills. Operating boats is physically demanding. This should be reflected in the choice of candidates. It is crucial that colleagues manage to demonstrate the right balance between firm and friendly at the on-job training. A serious and professional behavior is necessary when it comes to communicating the safety measures to visitors, while still being able to deliver an impressive level of customer-service experience, exceeding the expectations of the people.

Recruiting is essential - proper training is crucial
Both the process of finding the right staff and the training them before and during operations are important and challenging. Many forget to train and further retrain staff in new ways of operating, which is a big mistake. When you have hired the right staff to represent your maritime business, the actions and behavior of the management are crucial in order to secure a strong team at the base. Even if you hire a skilled and experienced manager, the management style must be and stay up to date with the increasing demands of the new generation. Generation Z is entering the workforce and managers must adapt their leadership style to the shared traits of the generation. Generation z is famously known for “following their passion”, hence all tasks must be perceived as meaningful and as an important contribution to a higher meaning. Therefore, leaders must understand how to present every task as meaningful. This can be challenging at times and depends on a diligent and proven training program. GoBoat develops strong leaders through training programs, specifically tailored to management in the tourism and service industry.

Step 6: Making the ideal sailing route and map

Choose your sailing route carefully
A beautiful sailing route cannot make up for a bad boating product, however, it can lift a good boating product into an overall great experience. While you have very little influence on the nature of the sailing routes, you are able to guide the guests to beautiful surroundings and avoid areas that are not fit for sailing. A carefully designed map can nudge customers to act responsibly and thus care for safety and the overall reputation of the business. In case the customers act irresponsibly, it can potentially affect your business. At GoBoat our design team has 5+ experiences in developing maps that serve both as maps and as a preventive entity. See examples of GoBoat maps at GoBoat Copenhagen and GoBoat London.

What to avoid

  • Shallow water
  • Areas with heavy traffic (container ships, ferries, etc.)
  • Narrow passages (canals, tunnels, bridges, etc.)

What to highlight

  • Scenic artifacts (memorials and popular sightseeing spots)
  • Nature routes
  • Toilet facilities

What should be included in the map

  • Tide functions
  • Local sailing rules

Step 7: Setting up your dock and facilities


There is no ‘one-fits-all’ solution for commercial docking
Setting up your facility is dynamic, unpredictable and very educational. Depending on the mooring solution at your facility, you might need to install your own dock at the location. Some sort of docking is often a necessity in order to provide customers with the necessary comfort and safety they would need when boarding the electric boats. The most optimal design of the dock depends on the exact configuration of the lakes or canal bottoms and the shoreline and layout type that you are working with. Local conditions vary tremendously, hence it is important that you find good, trustworthy and reliable suppliers. With a dock for commercial use it is highly advised that you choose a professional architect and contractor to ensure that the blueprints are accepted by the city council and that the dock is properly executed. A good way to find suppliers is to check for references and to check that supply contracts were fulfilled and at the agreed cost.

Your customers depend on a place to access your green boats. This platform can be on land or be a floating solution. We can recommend Marinetek for land solutions and Bluet for floating solutions. Like with the boats, you need to consider which is the docking solution that would be the best for your business.

You should also be paying attention to how customers will experience your docking solution. Should it only be practical and make the guests able to board the boats? Or should it give them an overall feeling of being in a maritime universe?

You would be surprised how few boat rentals think of optimal space solutions, but you will need to think of such to optimise your business. There is a lot of money to be gained in doing so. Not only in regards to the number of boats you are able to moor, but also also in regards to how fast the guests can on-board and off-board the boats.

At GoBoat, 90% of the guests have booked in advance - this ensures a steady booking flow, fewer expenses and essentially the best use and distribution of resources.

Step 8: Booking system and IT


Online reservation system
A professional booking system will essentially reduce your business expenses; it will create efficiency and give you more time to provide a better service to your customers. Boat rentals need to run online booking services, since renting a boat is often a leisure activity that requires coordination for the group of customers that will be using your services. By using an online booking service you make it easier and more convenient for your customers to use your service. This makes it more likely that potential visitors will want to use your boat rental. At GoBoat, 90% of the guests have booked in advance - this ensures a steady booking flow, fewer expenses and essentially the best use and distribution of resources.

Boat rental software

Boat rentals that run smoothly require booking systems that can combine many logistic challenges. Most booking-systems consist of softwares that are specifically tailored to the industry, however, there are currently no independent boat rental booking systems available. After testing many generic booking software solutions, GoBoat found it necessary to build its own trademarked software that fits the needs of a maritime business. Today we have a full tech team dedicated to making the booking system the best it can possibly be.

IT system build boat rental

Boat rentals that run smoothly require booking systems that can combine many logistic challenges. Most booking-systems consist of softwares that are specifically tailored to the industry, however, there are currently no independent boat rental booking systems available. After testing many generic booking software solutions, GoBoat found it necessary to build its own trademarked software that fits the needs of a maritime business. Today we have a full tech team dedicated to making the booking system the best it can possibly be.

Essential features
Since most transactions function online, it should come as no surprise that you need to have a website and a booking system. This platform should cover the basics.

Firstly, the software should include features that enable you to accept several payment methods. Besides cash and credit card, it is advantageous to be able to quickly make gift cards and vouchers to realise the full potential for sales.

Secondly, you should ensure that the software is smartphone-friendly. The usage of smartphones makes up 42% percent of total time spent online, and you want to give your potential customers the best basis for easy booking in order to generate more bookings. Run a smartphone friendly test before you start implementing the software.

Lastly, the software should be interconnected with several tourist platforms. It should be agent-friendly so that tourist agents can book tours and it should be easy to use for third-party sellers such as Airbnb and Tripadvisor to be integrated.

Step 9: The importance of marketing


Avoid common mistakes and create more value for less
The marketing game has changed, and there are a million ways to reach and create a positive impact on potential guests. This can both be to your advantage and be a disadvantage. An advantage, because it allows us to be creative and outsmart competition with new innovative ideas. A disadvantage, because the number of options out there make it impossible to execute them all. Further, it is not possible to get every idea to a paramount level, hence you should ensure that your chosen methods are the ones that create maximum return with the least amount of resources. Efficiency in marketing has recently been labeled Growth Hacking. We suggest that you read the following to understand the fundamentals

What is growth hacking?
The term is best described with an example of a good and a bad initiative;

Say marketing initiative A had a direct cost of 1000 USD and resulted in 20% ROI (Return on investment), but marketing initiative B only had an ROI of 10% with 1000 USD in direct cost. Which would you then say performed better? Naturally A, right? Well, the reality is that many initiatives take a lot longer to start and maintain than most people realize. In this case A took 10 hours to set up and 100 hours to maintain. However, B only took 1 hour to set up and 20 hours to maintain. Depending on how you price your own hours, we would say that B had a better final ROI. Many people ask “How to invest money wisely?”, but fewer ask “how to invest time?.

At GoBoat® we do our absolute best to support every partner on their mission to success. Partners are always more than welcome to ask GoBoat® for marketing ideas or ask any of the other license partners for tips and tricks. GoBoat® supply partners with a KPI tracking tool that enables efficient ROI.

The core product and the experience are the most powerful marketing assets
When being a global player, you start to see a pattern in what marketing methods that work the best. The experience made by GoBoat® can simply be summed up like this, even though GoBoat® sees it as more complex:

The core product:

  • Electric boats operating in an optimal way

The core experience

  • Great boating experience (KPI - low #comments of complaints).
  • Great social experience (KPI - #SoMe shares).
  • Great guest service (KPI - #annual positive comments on staff).

Marketing channels examples
There are many channels that you can use. Below are mentioned some preferred basics that you can start with. The ROI varies from city to city:

You want to retain a high value for your service. Hence, clients that come through discount programs etc. are often not there to stay. Nor are they often the segment that is best for the business in the long run. It is okay to allow referral programs to new guests, since they will only give these if they really like your boat rental service.

Step 10: Regulations and stakeholders


A successful boat rental relies on many stakeholders and interests. An understanding of local regulations is a key component to ensure optimal operation. When not understanding, key stakeholders and regulations often lead to an unprofitable business and can even worse, lead to bankruptcy.

Involve all potential stakeholders as much as possible in order to induce them with a sense of ownership and be responsive to all rules and recommendations.

Become familiar with regulations
The harbor regulations of the local port make up a key regulatory component for all of the boat rentals that complements the valid laws, stipulations, license terms and other regulations. It is an operator’s responsibility to obtain information about the local provisions and instructions of the harbor regulations and to adhere to these.

As a professional boat rental operator, you are expected to obtain the necessary information required to successfully comply with the specific rules and laws concerning all seagoing vessels. The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, more commonly known as the COLREGS, are the highway code of the sea.

Every market and port are different and so are regulations. In some ports, you only have to conduct business with one entity. In others it can be several. In Denmark for instance, you need a license from Søfartsstyrelsen that allows you to carry commercial passengers. Next, you can obtain “water” rent from By&Havn, and finally you will also need mooring permission from the government or someone else. In certain Australian cities you need to have a mooring license from one agency, rights to operate 15 m in the water from a second agency, and rights to operate more than 50 m out from the shoreline from a third agency. But how can one succeed in business without being an expert in maritime law? Well, that is one of the advantages of a franchise. Franchise partners usually do not need to go through all the necessary steps in order to build a successful business, because the parent company already gained knowledge within the field.

Local anchoring will determine your success
A key success factor for a boat rental business is to be anchored locally through several partnerships with other local businesses and organisations. Established partnerships can serve as ambassadors of the business, promoting the boat rental to their own guests and ensure quick acceptance in the local community. We recommend that you reach out to all operators of the harbour/water-site, including the harbourmaster, the neighbours, other businesses, water leisure activity clubs and organisations. Establish partnerships by reaching out and engaging in dialogue. Furthermore, get insights into the knowledge of the local waterside. Involve all potential stakeholders as much as possible in order to induce them with a sense of ownership and be responsive to all rules and recommendations.

Every time new corporations with other businesses are initiated, it is important that partners make offers that are promoted through all marketing channels. Likewise, use the collaborators community to the fullest and share content through their marketing channels (email, SoMe etc.) Ensure to make it as easy as possible for the collaborating business to share the content. Hence, create the content in alignment with the collaborator to copy-paste the content.

Bring value to stakeholders
In order to ensure a smooth and successful launch, all new locations must be proactive in all activities regarding stakeholder management. The new location will change the status quo and induce further competition in the area. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent complaints and resistance. Managing these complaints and resistance right is vital when ensuring the future success of the location. Identify all stakeholders with power and interest in the area and use them actively to manage the challenges that you are facing. When dealing with stakeholders, be genuinely interested in their needs and seek to discover solutions that benefit all actors. Seek to identify and mediate how the new location can help the other stakeholders.

These are the key stakeholders that you should have a close relationship with:

  • Direct or indirect competitors: Business of all water leisure activities, all local businesses.
  • Authorities: Suppliers of permits and business licenses, law enforcements, landlords of all leases.
  • Residents nearby: Houseboats, residents alongside the entire route, business nearby and along the entire route.
  • Potential partnerships: Tourist organisations, maritime organisations
  • All potential guests: Local population and tourists
  • Media: Both local and national media can be friends of your business if you perform well
  • Business partners: Suppliers of your business are also key players for you to consider

Events will leverage your presence and local anchoring
Another revenue source at GoBoat® is events. Besides being a source of income for the local businesses, the events are also an important part of the PR and stakeholder strategy. But more importantly: The events are fun to create and host. Event activities vary from location to location. So far, the local GoBoat® businesses have successfully planned and executed a sail-in-cinema, concerts on the water, dinner and wine tasting on the water and several company events. One should not underestimate the effect of goodwill from the local stakeholders when this is done well. Ensuring that your sustainable boat rental makes a positive influence on the local environment of the city increases the likelihood for e.g. future sponsors, investors and government permits to be used for future expansions and new locations.

Reach out to stakeholders prior to launching
Reach out to all potential stakeholders prior to launching in order to begin the establishment of good relations. This phase involves demystifying your concept, the philosophy behind it and the character of the partners. Hence, use this phase to be accommodating and service-minded. GoBoat® has previously had successful experiences by distributing large volumes of letters to all residents nearby - inviting the community to participate in a meet and greet at the new GoBoat base and to initiate a dialogue between GoBoat and the residents/stakeholders. Use the chance to learn the potential concerns of stakeholders and be proactive in addressing these concerns by explaining the concept. Further, take the necessary proactive measures to prevent potential challenges and concerns addressed by the stakeholders.

Step 11: Green boats


Any boat rental requires certain aspects of value proposition to make the optimal value add for guests. In this section we will cover the basics. Every harbour, sailing route and segment are different. Therefore, we suggest that you buy, build or lease the optimal solution that fits your needs.

Factors to consider when choosing the best boat for your business:

  • The sailing route: Is the sailing route demanding and/or challenging in regard to current or length?
  • The harbour: Is there a lot or a small amount of activity in the harbour?
  • The segment: What is the purchasing power of the segment? Do they like simple or over the top?
  • The environment: Is it important for your stakeholders if the boat is powered by clean energy?

    The above-mentioned factors should shape your decision making when attaining new boats. However, they will not be enough to ensure that you will get a profitable rental business. Most boat types are not made for rental businesses - meaning that the number of hours and users for a rental boat during a normal day are much higher than for a normal boat. This distinction has huge importance to you as an owner. At GoBoat we spent millions of dollars testing what is optimal for us.

Here are some key aspects.

  • The engine of the boat is not just an engine. It has to be easily replaceable and serviced. It needs to be perfect for your conditions. In case the output is not optimal for current, your guests will lose interest as they experience difficulties while using your services. On the other hand, if the output is exaggerated to the experience you will lose a lot of margin due to engines being worn down. Also, with the engine being too powerful it can make the guest feel uncomfortable and/or make them go faster than what is allowed. This would potentially risk your permits and hence your rental business.
  • Batteries are also a key components of green boats. We have heard stories about boat rentals choosing the wrong kind of batteries, which resulted in the batteries melting holes in the boats. Finding a reliable battery supplier with good solutions and services is crucial. The upfront pricing of these is not one of your top priorities

As mentioned, we at GoBoat use the solar-powered electrical boat called the Picnic 18. This boat was built with the purpose of taking a picnic experience with friends with you on the water. Together with Rand we also have a more premium version of the Picnic 18.

This article covers a full range of topics from finding the right location, obtaining the proper permits, recruiting the right people, mapping, and maintaining key operations. These 11 steps are guiding principles to starting, building, or franchising a successful boat rental business. It has been fundamental in the growth and success of GoBoat®. Taking each step into consideration ensures a strong foundation and infrastructure for your boat rental business to be built upon, while providing benefits for the employees, the community, and the involved stakeholders.

A boat business provides opportunities on the water that adds an element of uniqueness and adventure for consumers when exploring a city triggering different senses. If you have considered venturing into the realm of the maritime industry, think about what we’ve mentioned and use it to guide you.

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